Pricing: 1 Cent per successfull read - simple.

First 1000 API calls are free for testing purposes.

Volume discounts are available for high volume users.

Minimum purchase is 10 USD for 1000 API Quota.


How does this pricing model work?

Creating an account is free. If you create an account, you get 1000 API calls included so you can do some basic testing and ensure the API works for your needs.

If you decide to use the API further, you need to buy API quota for basic pricing of 1 Cent per successful call. Once you add the quota, the API will work further until the quota is reduced to zero.

Quota is deducted from the account at the agreed rate (normal rate is 1 per successful read).

Once quota is reduced to less than or equal to zero, the API stops working until the quota is topped up again.

What is a "Successful Read"?

Successful read is defined as the call which yields in actual successful read of the trading history for that account.

In some cases, you may call the API but the API fails to read the data (this can happen for many reason such as password provided was incorrect or trade server used was incorrect or any other reason). In such failure cases, you are not charged for the usage.

In other words, you only pay when the API successfully retrieves the data you are looking for.

